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A wooden box of red, orange, yellow, and white tomatoes of varying sizes

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Recipe: Golden Tomato Tart

Golden Tomato Tart, submitted by Rosalind Creasy, author, photographer, and Seed Savers Exchange advisor. This spectacular tart can be served as an appetizer or as an entrée for a light lunch. It is quite dramatic made with gold tomatoes or any combination of colorful homegrown luscious tomatoes. Any leftover marinade can be used as a base for a vinaigrette dressing.

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Recipe: Rustic Zucchini Crust Pizza

Rustic Zucchini Crust Pizza, submitted by Amy Goldman, special advisor to the SSE board and author; recipe from The Compleat Squash: A Passionate Grower’s Guide to Pumpkins, Squashes, and Gourds. This rustic repast is something like a frittata but not quite as eggy. It is cooked in the oven like a pizza rather than on top of the stove. My daughter won’t eat zucchini in any other form.

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