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Stewardship Stories

Stewardship stories have always been an important part of SSE’s preservation work. Seeds are not just a food source but a record of human history. Seeds are intrinsically connected to culture, health, technology, and the human experience. Many of the heirloom seeds in our collection have been grown and preserved by generations of families, each with their own stories of why they saved the seeds.

people form circle in front of small, red hen house

Hope and Practice: Glenn Drowns

It seems like just yesterday when I first stumbled across a small advertisement in the back of a magazine in the fall of 1978. The ad was plain and simple: “Send $3 for a copy of the Seed Savers Exchange list of members and seeds.”

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Small black peppers growing on a plant in a greenhouse

‘Angelica’s Little Diablo’ Pepper

When an unexpected challenge wiped out Norma’s supply of ‘Angelica’s Little Diablo’ seeds, she turned to Seed Savers Exchange for help. Thankfully, SSE had been stewarding these seeds and was able to reunite Norma with her beloved heirloom pepper. Without Seed Savers Exchange, this priceless variety and its history would likely have been lost.

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large tomatoes and purple morning glory flowers staged in a picture frame with a red barn in the background

Behind the Catalog Cover Shot

The 2025 Seed Savers Exchange Catalog proudly offers more than 600 unique, open-pollinated varieties, but its cover showcases only two—the delightfully delicious ‘German Pink’ tomato and the mighty yet majestic ‘Grandpa Ott’s’ morning glory (with the historic barn at Heritage Farm providing the backdrop).

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A hand holding white and black speckled bean seeds.

Planting Sacred Seeds in a Modern World

Rowen White reflects on her ancestral seed collection and the sacred significance of diverse corn varieties within the Haudenosaunee community. Through a journey of seed stewardship, she explores the cultural dimensions of biodiversity, emphasizing the role of cultural memory, tradition, and community relationships in preserving and restoring these seeds that have witnessed generations of history and nourished diverse cultures.

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A man stands in front of three large, floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with many small jars

Stewardship Stories: Russ Crow

Russ Crow’s earliest gardening memories are with his father, planting tomatoes. Inspired, Russ convinced his father to build a 2×2 foot plot in the yard to cultivate. “I planted it entirely in radishes. Solid radishes,” laughed Russ, nostalgically.

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