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Recipe: Rustic Zucchini Crust Pizza

Rustic Zucchini Crust Pizza, submitted by Amy Goldman, special advisor to the SSE board and author; recipe from The Compleat Squash: A Passionate Grower’s Guide to Pumpkins, Squashes, and Gourds. This rustic repast is something like a frittata but not quite as eggy. It is cooked in the oven like a pizza rather than on top of the stove. My daughter won’t eat zucchini in any other form.

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Sales Tax

Sales Tax Update, Until recently, Seed Savers Exchange had only collected sales tax for orders within Iowa where we are located. A Supreme Court ruling (South Dakota v. Wayfair) changed the state sales tax obligations for all companies that sell remotely through websites and catalogs. As a result of the ruling Seed Savers Exchange will now be collecting and remitting sales tax in all required states and jurisdictions.

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A head of leafy mustard greens

Recipe: Feaster Family Heirloom Mustard Greens

Feaster Family Heirloom Mustard Greens, submitted by Jerome Feaster, seed donor “Cool weather is greens weather, and we like to eat these greens on special occasions,” says Jerome, whose family has stewarded this variety for nearly 100 years on the same farm near Shiloh in rural Marion County, Florida.

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Three red tomatoes and four thick tomato slices

Recipe: Amish Meets Italian Soup

Amish Meets Italian Soup with Seed Savers Exchange Veggies, submitted by Susan J. Bliss, Seed Savers Exchange customer, This soup recipe is sweet with a touch of heat… perfect. But take note—it’s these varieties and ingredients that make this soup superb.

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