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people form circle in front of small, red hen house

Hope and Practice: Glenn Drowns

It seems like just yesterday when I first stumbled across a small advertisement in the back of a magazine in the fall of 1978. The ad was plain and simple: “Send $3 for a copy of the Seed Savers Exchange list of members and seeds.”

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A pile of yellow, red, and purple bell peppers

Lucina’s Miniature Stuffed Peppers

Seed Savers Exchange member Lucina Cress has been canning miniature stuffed peppers for decades using peppers from her own garden. Lucina’s Miniature Stuffed Peppers were a hit year after year at her local hospital bazaar.

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Many pepper plants growing in a large hoop greenhouse

Farm Coordinator

The farm coordinator supports Seed Savers Exchange through the work of onsite seed productions of open-pollinated, heirloom varieties. With a focus on assisting with field preparations, transplanting, field maintenance, seed harvesting, and seed processing, this year-round position also includes propagation in the greenhouse, as well as seed packaging and supporting with order fulfillment duties in the winter months.

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packets of seeds and small jars of seeds spread out on a red tablecloth

How to Organize a Seed Swap

A seed swap is a gathering of people, usually gardeners and farmers, who have come together to share seeds. Open seed sharing is one of Seed Savers Exchange’s core values since our founding 50 years ago. Keep reading to learn how to organize a seed swap of your own!

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