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Financial & Impact Reports

A butterfly perched on an Amish Cockscomb flower.

Financial & Impact Reports

Seed Savers Exchange is a certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. We are thankful for the support of our community that makes our important work possible. And we are committed to putting every dollar donated to our nonprofit mission to the best and most effective use.

We recently earned a Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency! Check out our nonprofit profile to keep up to date with our impact.

Financial support for our nonprofit work at Seed Savers Exchange helps to move our mission forward, preserve and share seeds, and maintain our Heritage Farm headquarters, where we grow out seeds for evaluation and preservation, raise heritage livestock breeds, and welcome visitors each year.

In 2023, 66.4% of our spending went directly to programs and 4.54% to maintaining Heritage Farm. Please see the Gratitude and Impact Reports below for more on the work funded by your contributions.An assortment of vegetables lying on a turquoise–color table, with the words 2023 Impact Report: Growing Something Good, and the Seed Savers Exchange logo at the bottom

SSE 2023 Impact Report

Past Reports

SSE 2022 Gratitude Report


2021 Gratitude Report

2021 Financial Report

2020 Gratitude Report

2020 Financial Report

2019 Gratitude Report

2019 Financial Report

2018 Gratitude Report

2018 Financial Report