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Several glass jars with a variety of different seeds sit in a row on a glass shelf


How to Store Seeds

Protect your rare or stock-up sale finds with these three proper storage tips that ensure your seeds are viable when the planting time is right. It doesn’t take much, especially if you are storing seeds for two years or less.

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Grow potato - plants at Heritage Farm


How to Grow Potatoes

Here are a few tips from SSE’s gardening crew on how to grow potatoes, when to plant, advice on watering, proper storage conditions and saving seed stock for a healthy and bountiful harvest. A wide variety of potatoes can be found listed on The Exchange.

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Garden Trellis Ideas

Maximize space in your garden with trellises. Some crop types—like cucumbers, tomatoes, and pole beans—need the extra support a trellis can provide, and others, like melons and squash, don’t require trellises but can benefit from being lifted off of the ground. When fruits are suspended from a trellis and kept from the soil surface, they are less prone to disease, and going vertical means that plants can grow vertically instead of sprawling, opening up some garden real estate on which to plant other crops.

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Hand pouring seeds into a glass container


Seed the Future: Grow Something Good

Access Recordings 2023 Virtual Conference – Originally held July 21-22, 2023 The 43rd annual Seed Savers Exchange conference was an exciting weekend with presentations from Dr. Vandana Shiva, world-renowned activist;…


Gardening & Seed Saving Terms

Use this list of terms to expand your knowledge and understanding of seed saving and gardening. The following definitions are drawn from The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving, edited by Lee Buttala and Shanyn Siegel and published by Seed Savers Exchange.

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