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Gardening & Seed Saving Terms

Use this list of terms to expand your knowledge and understanding of seed saving and gardening. The following definitions are drawn from The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving, edited by Lee Buttala and Shanyn Siegel and published by Seed Savers Exchange.

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A group of people gather outside of a large red chicken coop

Stewardship Stories: Glenn Drowns

Glenn Drowns’ passion for gardening started when he was two and a half years old. “I used to crawl through the fence to our neighbors’ to escape from my mom, and help [Evelyn, the neighbor] plant her garden,” recalls Glenn, fondly.

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An array of seeds of many different varieties organized into a wooden grid.

Stewardship Stories: Suzanne Ashworth

This is the story of Suzanne Ashworth, one of nine small seed companies and a few of the varieties they have preserved. While each and every one of their backgrounds is as unique and bold as the varieties they share, they all have one thing in common: the passion for sharing seeds.

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A whole tomato between two halved tomatoes on a wooden surface

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Recipe – Sugo: Juice of Life

Sugo: Juice of Life, submitted by Robin Morgan, Seed Savers Exchange intern and Italian chef. The Italian word sugo means both “juice of life” and a tomato-based pasta sauce. To call something sugo is to say it is rich, interesting, and worthy.

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Close up of a large, leafy head of green and purple cabbage

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Recipe: Cabbage Pasta

Cabbage Pasta, submitted by Diane Ott Whealy, co-founder of Seed Savers Exchange, Diane’s daughter, Tracy Lynn Whealy, never was a vegetable fan, but she discovered how delicious cabbage can be through her mother’s pasta dish. This is a beautiful dish when prepared with red cabbage.

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