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Education is at the heart of Seed Savers Exchange’s nonprofit mission. In addition to educational events and workshops throughout the year, SSE provides growing and seed-saving guides and instructional videos on a variety of topics.

A small group of brown and white speckled beans over a dark gray wood surface

Growing Guide: Cowpeas

Although cowpea is a well known garden plant in the South, this crop deserves more attention across the country. Its long, slender pods are filled with a prolific number of seeds.

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A group of orange carrots with green stems and some dirt

Growing Guide: Carrots

When planting carrots, be aware that they can be finicky in the early part of the season. Carrots are biennials, producing seed after two years of growth, but the reward is well worth the effort.

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A pile of multi-colored potatoes ranging from small to large and from light yellow to deep red

Growing Guide: Potatoes

This versatile crop originated in South America centuries ago and today ranks as the most popular vegetable in the United States. Cool-season vegetables, potatoes come in a great range of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures and are grown from small tubers known as “seed potatoes”.

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Arugula leaves

Growing Guide: Arugula

Arugula grows well in the spring and fall but tends to bolt in hot weather. Its prolific flowers attract many pollinators before plants go to seed. Gardeners enjoy this cool-weather crop for its nutty and peppery bite.

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10 Garden Pest Solutions

Discover 10 natural ways to manage garden pests without pesticides! From cultivating healthy soil and selecting the right plants to attracting beneficial insects and using companion planting, these eco-friendly strategies will help you protect your garden and keep it thriving. Say goodbye to harmful chemicals and hello to a healthy, pest-free garden!

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six-pack of tiny, green tomato seedlings, with two white labels on the left side


Indoor Seed Starting 101

There are many compelling reasons to start seeds indoors, but a few sprout to the top. It’s a great way to grow long-season crops in cool climates. It creates an opportunity to harvest fruits earlier. And did we mention it’s fun?

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