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A tomato sits on a wood surface

Missouri Pink Love Apple Tomato

Discover the history and flavor of the ‘Missouri Pink Love Apple’ tomato, a cherished heirloom with roots dating back to the 1860s. This pink beefsteak variety produces juicy, meaty fruit all season long on indeterminate plants. Learn how to grow and enjoy this delicious tomato while exploring its fascinating past through the CORE Project’s preservation efforts. A must-try for gardeners and heirloom enthusiasts!

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A bowl of ground up corn kernels

True Grits

Grinding corn for grits is a great way to start your day. Eating grits for breakfast is simple, inexpensive, and versatile! Whether you take your grits sweet, with honey and milk, or savory with cheese and roasted alliums, the simplicity of this comforting dish will have you reaching for your grain mill in addition to your coffee grinder in the mornings.

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