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A green pea pod attached to a green stem, in front of green stems and leaves


Growing Guide: Peas

It is easy to see why this early-season crop is a popular garden plant. Peas require little care beyond a trellis and pest protection, yet they produce prolific amounts of snappy pods throughout the spring and summer.

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Two round white melon halves with seeds in the center and yellow rinds, surrounded by 5 small whole yellow melons


Growing Guide: Melons

Like its cucurbit cousins—watermelon, cucumbers, and squash—melons and Armenian cucumbers produce numerous fruitful vines. There are countless varieties of melons—hundreds if not thousands, not counting many that go unrecorded worldwide.

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A pile of multicolored flat beans next to a pile of green bean pods and a pile of red and white speckled bean pods


Growing Guide: Lima Beans

While different than the common bean, lima beans have a similar growing habit. Some lima beans are vining crops that need to be trellised while other varieties have a bush habit that allows them to be planted without support.

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