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Two pieces of cooked ground meat stuffed inside of two red peppers, with cheese, small green leaves, and sauce on top

Recipe: Pork-Stuffed ‘Ausilio Thin Skin Italian’ Peppers

Pork-Stuffed ‘Ausilio Thin Skin Italian’ Peppers by Chad Ogle-Riccelli, donor of the ‘Ausilio Thin Skin Italian’ pepper, inspired by grandparents, Nicholas Domenico “Nick” Riccelli and Theresa Grace Ausilio Riccelli. “This is an amazing dish, and you will want more and more—make, bake, and serve with a nice bottle of Chianti wine,” says Chad. “This dish was inspired by a recipe from our grandfather, Nick Riccelli’s, recipe box.

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A group of brussels sprouts on the stalk with leaves

Growing Guide: Brussels Sprouts

These bite-sized greens are members of the species Brassica oleracea which includes broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage. They will flower and produce seeds in their second growing season after experiencing cold weather.

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A pile of beets, ranging from purple to white

Growing Guide: Beets

Beets are tasty and easy to grow, and both the roots and leaves can be used in cooking. Plant in early spring, as soon as soil can be worked. You can plant successive plantings until midsummer.

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Group of different watermelon varieties on a deck.

Growing Guide: Watermelons

Although watermelon requires a long growing season, if you start this sprawling plant early enough in the year, you can enjoy its fruits from late summer to early fall. Watermelons, like other vining plants, need plenty of space to grow.

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A wooden box of red, orange, yellow, and white tomatoes of varying sizes

Growing Guide: Tomatoes

Tomato plants can be either determinate or indeterminate. Determinate plants will produce tomatoes that all ripen around the same time, while indeterminate plants will continue producing new growth and new fruits throughout the growing season.

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Growing Guide: Spinach

Spinach is a nutrient-rich green that is easy to grow in the garden. As spinach requires long day lengths in conjunction with cooler temperatures, it may be more feasible for growers in the north to save seeds from spinach.

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