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True Grits

A bowl of ground up corn kernels

Grinding corn for grits is a great way to start your day. Eating grits for breakfast is simple, inexpensive, and versatile! Whether you take your grits sweet, with honey and milk, or savory with cheese and roasted alliums, the simplicity of this comforting dish will have you reaching for your grain mill in addition to your coffee grinder in the mornings.

Keep reading to learn how to grind corn and make a simple grits recipe.

True Grits

Many people use a coffee grinder during their morning routines. But how many of you grind your own grain before breakfast? Steffen Mirsky, former SSE horticultural technician, can raise a flour-covered hand in response to that question. Since buying a hand-cranked mill several months ago, Steffen has been grinding corn and making grits almost every morning.

Traditionally, grits are made with southern dent corns. Steffen has also used some blue flour corn which, he says, cooks more quickly and gives his grits a starchier flavor.

Whole corn kernels in a grinder over a bowl of ground up corn
‘Yellow Jarvis’ corn awaits its fate in the mill

The variety of corn we used for this recipe is a yellow dent called ‘Yellow Jarvis.’ It is a “derived southern dent” that was bred by a North Carolina farmer named James Monroe “Plough Boy” Jarvis in the early 1900s. SSE lists ‘Yellow Jarvis’ seeds on the Exchange, available for request. 

It's local and inexpensive. It's a very American breakfast.

Steffen Mirsky

When I asked Steffen why he likes grinding his own grain, I was expecting him to give a short answer about the pleasure of self-sufficiency or the diversity of flavor. But Steffen had a handful of reasons why he liked to grind corn.

Besides the frugality of grits, he also appreciates the simplicity, versatility, and flavor of the dish. His five-minute morning routine of milling corn wakes him up, stimulates his appetite and makes him feel like he’s earning his breakfast. Having a diversity of corn varieties means that he can choose whether his morning meal will be golden yellow, dark red, or a subtle blue.

Grits Recipe

If you’re not already convinced to start making your own grits from scratch, check out this simple recipe and have at it.

A bowl of ground up corn kernels


Flint or dent corn
Small pat of butter

Optional add-ins

For savory grits: sharp cheese, scallions, onions, bacon
For sweet grits: maple syrup, brown sugar, honey,
applesauce, milk


Grain grinder
Saucepan or soup pot


  1. Grind your corn. Use approximately ½ cup per person.
  2. Measure four parts of water for every part of ground corn. Heat the water on the stove until nearly boiling.
  3. Add the cornmeal to the water and stir quickly with a whisk for several minutes until the mixture begins to thicken.
  4. Once it has started to thicken, reduce the heat to a simmer and put a lid on the pot. Leave to cook for around thirty minutes, stirring every five minutes or so to ensure that the grits do not burn.

Once cooked, you can choose to make this dish savory or sweet. We added smoked cheddar and parmesan cheeses, a pat of butter, salt, and some sautéed bacon and scallions.

Steffen usually sweetens his grits, mixing a bit of maple syrup or brown sugar into the porridge-like meal, sometimes adding milk or even homemade applesauce.

Ground corn coming out of a grinder on to a metal plate
Steffen Demonstrates True Grit(s-making prowess)

Recommended Corn Varieties

A pile of colorful corn cobs
‘Mandan Bride’ corn
A pile of dark navy corn cobs with green husks peeled back
‘Black Aztec’ Corn
A row of colorful rainbow corn with tan husks peeled back
‘Glass Gem’ Corn

Originally published January 2, 2015. Updated January 28, 2025.