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Virtual Conference


May 2-July 11, 2025



Four people appear on a screen.

Virtual Conference Series

Save the dates!

  • Friday, May 2
  • Friday, June 6
  • Friday, July 11

Location: Virtual

In 2025, Seed Savers Exchange’s annual conference will take place over three days in three different months. Join us virtually for inspiring keynote speakers, informational workshops, and a chance to connect with the larger seed community.

By registering, you will have access to all three days of programming and recordings of any sessions you may have missed. There is no need to register for individual days.

Themes, speakers, and registration details will be shared at a later date.

Sign up for Seed Savers Exchange event emails to be the first to know when more details are announced.

In 2025, Seed Savers Exchange will celebrate 50 years of dedication to preserving biodiversity and mission-driven work. When you make a purchase from Seed Savers Exchange, you help fulfill our nonprofit mission to protect our food and garden heritage. Do even more good by making a donation to help us preserve and share even more heirloom varieties!