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The lifestyle category in Seed Savers Exchange’s article library includes recipes passed down for generations, modern new favorites using heirloom varieties, and articles on transforming your space.

Flat, round green leaves with orange flowers, next to two jars of deep purple liquid, in front of a silver bowl with small black berries

Recipe: Huckleberry Recipes

Huckleberry Recipes by Diane Ott Whealy, Seed Savers Exchange cofounder, Recognized health benefits of the fruit include being rich in iron, potassium, antioxidants, and vitamins C, A, and B. Garden huckleberries are very productive, can be grown in containers, and add beauty to edible landscapes.

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Small pieces of flatbread with eggplant slices, onion slices, small leafy greens and small cheese crumbles

Recipes: Eggplant, Onion, and Feta Tart

Eggplant, Onion, and Feta Tart, by Janine Gilbertson, as noted in the “Granite Kitchen” column of the New Hampshire Union Leader “This is one of those dishes that appears rather sophisticated but takes just a few steps and yields a great result,” says Janine.

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A thin green dill herb plant with many tiny yellow flowers.

Recipe: Dill Onion Artisan Bread

Dill Onion Artisan Bread by Brandi Peterson, “I had a recipe for plain artisan bread and decided to try dried dill weed and red Wethersfield onions chopped up and added in,” Brandi says. “It’s a big hit at the farmers market where I sell produce.”

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A close up of a head of green leaves

Recipe: Cabbage Noodles

Cabbage Noodles, submitted by Norah Hummel, former seed bank manager at Seed Savers Exchange, “I adapted this recipe from one shared with me by Steffen Mirsky, a [former] coworker at Seed Savers Exchange. His mom loved to make it,” notes Norah.

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A fork and knife cutting into cooked chicken alongside a salad on a white plate

Recipe: Apple-Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs

Apple-Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs by Beth Dooley, chef and author, “A good apple is the taste of balance—a range of natural acids and sugars, with notes so complex that they come in waves of flavor with each bite,” says Beth, reflecting on one of the main ingredients of this favorite recipe. “Real apples, cultivated with care, of our heritage, are regal reminders of our country’s true flavors.”

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A pile of wet and slightly wilted greens with chopped white onion pieces on a white plate

Recipe: Crader Family Lettuce

Crader Family Lettuce by Mary Katherine Crader Daniels, submitted for the 2022 Seed Savers Exchange Conference, “I hope you will enjoy this lettuce recipe as much as we have over the years,” says Mary Katherine. “It’s an old German recipe—my mother had a special way of wilting the lettuce.”

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