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Education is at the heart of Seed Savers Exchange’s nonprofit mission. In addition to educational events and workshops throughout the year, SSE provides growing and seed-saving guides and instructional videos on a variety of topics.

rows of green plants

John Swenson on How to Grow Garlic

John Swenson, garlic aficionado, offers five tips for growing happy, healthy garlic. Since the 1990s, John has donated 150 varieties to the organization’s seed bank, including his beloved ‘Samarkand,’ a “moderately spicy” hardneck he came across in Uzbekistan. 

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Tomatillo plant

Tomatillo Isolation Requirements

Learn the truth about tomatillo pollination and isolation requirements for successful seed saving. Discover why tomatillos must cross-pollinate, debunking common myths about their self-pollinating nature, and understand the proper isolation distances needed to preserve true varieties.

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